سعر ومواصفات دافيد جونز حقيبة للنساء-زهري فاتح - حقائب يد كبيرة بحمالة من  souq فى مصر - ياقوطة!‏

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سعر ومواصفات دافيد جونز حقيبة للنساء-زهري فاتح - حقائب يد كبيرة بحمالة من souq فى مصر - ياقوطة!‏

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Get it between Jun 30 to Jul 06
Money return guarantee

€17.19 €35
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100 day return policy


Delivered within 4 - 7 working days


  Mr Campbell

It is amazingly beautiful. It caught the eye of everyone.

  Ms Hamilton

Overall good, highly recommended! come back next time

  Mr Hunter

I received the stuff, I am satisfied, thank you boss

  Mr Barros

Old customers, hope to have more good things in the future

  Ms Carroll

I received the goods, I like it very much, I can’t wait to open the box when I receive the goods, I’m very satisfied

  Mr Burton

Fine, good service, fast delivery.

  Ms Mora

The seller’s description is exactly the same, very satisfied, like it, and completely beyond expectations

  Mr Fitzgerald

Things are super good, thank you